Indiana June is the main character in a real-life Pick-A-Path Adventure story. She is cycling the globe and letting people vote to decide what she does next. Her fate is in your hands so get voting to choose how the story unfolds. Read more…

Archive for tag: Christmas

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Wishing you a Berry Christmas

I didn't realise it as a kid, but Christmas in New Zealand really is a schizophrenic experience.  On one hand you have sun-filled days spent at the beach, you eat bbqs + salads and you're tucke... read more.


Wednesday 21 December 2011

Indiana June needs a helping hoof this Christmas

Over the past four months the Indiana June pick-a-path adventure has seen me cycle more than 3000km over three continents, doing everything from inseminating sows on a pig farm in Limerick... read more.